Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's a Guide Dog that is a Horse

If you ever doubt that horses can be trained to deal with unusual situations, then remind yourself of the Guide Horse who is trained to face escalators and subways as part of everyday life.
Yes you read that right.
A Guide Dog that's a horse. A pygmy horse in fact (they have to stand between 20 and 25 inches at the shoulder — smaller and they are too rare and expensive; larger and they won’t fit under restaurant tables!).

As we horse owners all know, horses are highly aware of safety, constantly on the lookout for danger. This trait is ideal for guiding work. And it turns out that horses have a natural tendency to guide their handler along the safest and most efficient route, and that they demonstrate excellent judgment in obstacle avoidance training. Perfect.
So what can a Guide Horse offer that a Guide Dog cannot? The main winner is longevity. Horses live a lot longer than dogs. 30-40 years compared to 10-16. Many blind people cannot bear the idea of becoming attached to an animal and then having to replace it.

 And for those who swoon at cute - Guide Horses can be outfitted with tiny sneakers to give traction on slippery floors and protect their hooves too small for regular iron horse shoes.

 youtube video of Panda's training

 Rachael Ray video interview

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